Competition project “SHED-MUSEUM”
Moscow, 2012
A person often does not notice the passage of time, unable to trace the entire chain of events in his own life, the sequence of changes in the things around him. New things replace old ones. Some are thrown away, taking with them the memories of a certain period of life associated with it.
By typology, the barn is similar to the structures of exhibition spaces. The shed is a repository of memories. The barn is a museum of the history of an individual (family).
The barn is an exposition of different periods of life, mixed with each other.
This is always a living space, because along with old things, there are things that are relevant and constantly used. The curator of such an exhibition is unintentionally the person himself. Carries, brings, throws away, replaces, rearranges, forgets. Exposure points spontaneously appear in the space of the shed:
“on the mezzanine”, “in the corner by the window”, “as you enter, on the left”, “somewhere under the table”, “where the skis hang”, etc. & nbsp;
Unlike the exposition we are accustomed to, thought out by the curator and built with certain intentions, the barn exposition develops spontaneously. This important property allows a person, at certain intervals, to plunge headlong into certain periods of his life and endlessly wonder and reflect on the random interweaving and interaction of different things from different times. Here he can observe alternative options for the development of his life, history, events. The sun's rays passing through the cracks penetrate the dust hanging in the atmosphere. The exposition can be observed from the outside, through the lattice structure of the walls. Material: hewn pine (framework), hewn alder undergrowth (facade). In the first few days after removing the bark, the color of alder wood acquires a bright orange color. Construction: hewn log frame, sheathed with undergrowth 6-8 cm in diameter. Roof: board. Gate: frame sheathed with a board. Window.