Shooting sports club project in the Czech Republic
Ситуационный план
Генеральный план. Основной задачей при планировании было сохранение деревьев и сложившегося ландшафта. А так же организация пешеходных путей на территории с учетом безопасности. Основной принцип планировки Комплекса – линейный, с расположением всех элементов в последовательную цепь. При такой схеме принципиально важным является создание связи между всеми объектами. В данном случае такой связью служит благоустроенная пешеходная дорога, проходящая от административного центра до пл
Мотокросс. В северо-западной части территории расположены трассы для мотокросса – основная и дополнительная. Дополнительная трасса работает в момент, когда закрыта территория стрелковой зоны. Проектом предусмотрено сохранение леса в этой части территории.
Ситуационный план
The project was developed for the workshop of Grineva L. "Philosophy of Design"
Territory area: 6 hectares
Revitalization of an abandoned quarry area in the village of Liba. Czech Republic, 2008
The site is surrounded by forest, from the north, south and east it is limited by roads, from the west side the boundary of land ownership is drawn through the forest. Distance is 2.5 km. from the residential sector is one of the positive factors for the projected area.
Currently, the site is occupied by trees and uneven terrain, formed by ongoing stone mining, with a noticeable increase towards the northwestern part of the site.
Placing SSK at a distance from the residential sector, using existing roads, we will ensure the safety and accessibility of the complex. In terms of planning, a great advantage is the relief of the site, which allows you to naturally solve the sound barrier and the safety of being in the complex itself. The circular geometry of the relief divides the territory conditionally into two zones vertically, the active one is the lower zone, with the placement of all sports grounds, and the quiet one is the upper zone for the location of houses for rent. The steep slope acts as a range protection zone.
The functional zoning of the territory is based on the results of the analysis of the site, taking into account the specifics and architectural and spatial priorities. As the main functions of the SSC, the assignment proposes: an open and semi-closed shooting range, extreme sports, recreation and entertainment. Zoning is carried out in accordance with the requirements for the placement of all elements of the SSC. The territory is divided into four zones.
The first zone is intended for bench shooting. The second zone is a platform with a semi-closed shooting range at 300 m. Zone three is designed to accommodate active sports. The project proposed cycling, moto crosses and a training ground for law enforcement agencies. The fourth zone includes a public administrative center and a complex of facilities designed to serve the SSC.