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ICOMOS Conference

Yaroslavl hosted a conference of the ICOMOS National Committee (International Council for the Preservation of Monuments and Sites) and an international scientific symposium "Cultural Heritage - a Platform for Dialogue". ICOMOS is an international consultant and the responsible decision-making body of UNESCO in the field of heritage protection.

Our company "APPARAT" made a presentation on the topic "Advocative planning as a dialogue between the developer and society" on the example of the development of the territory of the former Konshin factory in the 18-19 centuries. in Serpukhov.

The conference was attended by leaders and representatives of ICOMOS from 10 countries, as well as leading Russian experts in the field of cultural heritage preservation. Russia has been a member of this organization since its inception in 1965. Among the members of ICOMOS are leading scientists and specialists in the field of architecture and the field of preservation of cultural heritage.

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